Wednesday, March 11, 2015


So apparently these days there are about ten different ways to socially share just about anything you choose to put on the every time I start something I get overwhelmed.  So I'm going to start putting my ideas out there, as I am a 24 year old, but do not seem to feel the need to share everything I do everyday with everybody.  But, why not share my opinions?  And by opinions I mean my own personal opinions that I have derived from my own experiences and come up with in my own head.  Anyone is welcome to agree or disagree, as I am a free thinker and don't mean to preach...although I know I can come off pretentious at times or possibly over zealous.  But I love to learn, think and hello!

A Single Word

One word can go a long way.  Although I have not created a large body of choreography, I am a choreographer and I always title my pieces using a single word.  This is because for me, one strong, descriptive word can have a lot more effect than a phrase or any grouping of multiple words.  
We define words all the time— we focus on one word and use many more to describe it.  But one word standing alone on its own, carries the imagination with it.  
I can give you the definition and meaning of all of these words, or I can let you assess them from your own mind and your own experiences.  These words carry a universal meaning, of course, they are part of how we communicate, but they also each trigger different emotions, feelings, and senses in each individual mind to create an experience.
For me Gravitate first triggers in my mind the picture of a star destroyer pulling the Millennium Falcon in its tractor beam.  It then delves into the deeper meaning of such a strong magnetic attraction that one cannot resist.  This of course is why we call the force of gravity, Gravity- we cannot resist it.

Although we need basic communication skills, I think that using one word and then letting the listener create a story, feeling, or idea from it creates a deeper connection than any explanation.  This is what art is— connections, feelings, and intentions.  Language is one of the arts at the end of the day— every artistic creation is accompanied by words chosen to embody and describe it.  Chosen by the artist themselves to describe their work to others and to inspire others to find their own vision in the work (at least my choice as an artist).

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